Thursday, December 22, 2011

Time Flies

I've been really bad about updating my blog lately. It's sad because I have as much to say as ever, but I haven't had the time to sit down and write it out. I keep coming up with things that I want to talk about, discussions I'd love to have and pictures I want to share...but my perfectionism kept telling me that first I had to post something about the (not so) tiny baby that has invaded our family and our hearts. A good blogger would have posted a birth announcement (and probably sent them out to friends and family as well, but that's another story). I am not that blogger so this is what you get. A little over 4 months ago after a crazy fast labor we were blessed with a little boy whose name begins with a T.
He is adorable and sweet and we love him to bits. He is growing and developing faster than I feel he ought to (not complaining one bit, but he's already getting so big that I'm miss the squishy newborn he was). I have a zillion other pictures that I could force on anyone who is still reading this thing, but if you are reading this you are probably seeing them on facebook as well (or getting them via photo text in the case of my sister who refuses to use facebook).

As you can see A is having such a hard time adjusting :)

She is actually doing really well. Sometimes she is sad that she doesn't get as much of my undivided attention as she used to, but she seems to feel that having a brother makes up for it. I'm proud of my big girl and how mature she's getting too. She is turning into a big helper and is growing quite the imagination as well. Everyday she has some new story that she acts out on her own. I can't wait for T to be big enough for them to play together so I can watch what they come up with.

I am going to try to be better about updates here, but we will see...